The naked ape is rising

We got our first glimpse of the Big 5 plus hosts Ukraine as they took to the stage for their first rehearsals yesterday.  I say we, but in actual fact I missed most of them as I was quaffing pints of gorgeous red wine at the fabulous Icelandic party - but more of that later.

But, of course, the biggest news is that Italy's Francesco Gabbani, hottest favourite to win the contest in about a hundred years, has now brought his naked ape onto the Kyiv stage...and it was brilliant!


He was clearly having a great time as he ran through his performance (which remains identical to his San Remo one, apart from the fact that he now also has four backing singers just behind him). 

I honestly cannot see this being beaten next Saturday!  It's just perfect. Literally everyone you talk to here concurs that it's Italy's contest.

Our own Lucie Jones apparently gave an absolutely splendid first run through and hopes are high for a Top 20 placing.  She certainly comes over very well in her press conference (which we were back from Iceland in time for).


Ukraine's rock band performed too - vile!

Mademoiselle La France was very charming in her Press Conference (which didn't start until nearly half nine last night... it was a LOOOOOONG day!).  Alma is stunning in real life!

But the biggest discussion point amongst the assembled press yesterday was "who's going to come last...Germany or Spain?"

I thought Levina's performance was really great, and that Manel's was very poor indeed.  The general consensus is that Germany is narrowly escaping doing the triple of three last places on the run, and that poor Spain is going to flounder at the foot of the scoreboard.  Of course, something that qualifies could come last, but they all at least have some momentum behind them, having come through the semis earlier in the week.

©EBU - Germany
©EBU - Spain

As mentioned, we had been invited to the select Icelandic party by our good friends from the Icelandic delegation.  As we entered we were each personally introduced to the Icelandic Ambassador (no sign of any Ferrero Rocher though!).  The venue was a stunning rooftop restaurant, and it was around 24 degrees, so it seemed only reasonable to down loads of red wine to help cool us down!

I was delighted to bump into the lovely Finnish couple again and even more excited when Lasse gave me a copy of the promo single of Blackbird as those are rarer than hen's teeth here!  Douze points to Finland, and Thank You!


  1. Red wine, national parties and Davie usually end up as a ChaChaCha!

  2. No Rochers? So, Mister Ambassador - you are NOT spoiling us ... ;-)


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