"A white bird in a black dress..."

Having seen all 36 semi finalists run through their first rehearsals in the first four days, yesterday saw us head into the frenetic second rehearsals phase, where things happen much faster, and we are finally allowed into the hall to see the stage in all its glory!

Sweden on stage

I'm really liking the simplicity of the stage, which is far less elaborate than in the past few years.  We have an audience capacity of around 7,000 which is also down on recent contests, but it doesn't feel too small inside.

Highlights from yesterday included the very properly spoken press conference moderator asking the Finns about the symbolism behind their song Blackbird, and then saying to Leena, "But you are a white bird in a black dress, yes?"  I know it wasn't meant in that way, but Hass and I sat there giggling away like two wee schoolboys!  A little later she asked then what a film of their life would look like and Lasse said it would have to be a dark horror film with him playing the skinny creepy guy.  Ms Moderator pipes up, "yes, you certainly are that!"  Cheeky mare.

Svala from Iceland delivered a great performance and I want to see her go through.  Check out her fancy boots (this isn't her stage costume).  My mate Felix (second from the left) is Head of Delegation for them this year.

Robin wore no socks again...

Demy brought her hot boys, fully clothed this time...

Slavko had fun with his braid again...

Tamara from Georgia was brilliant, and seems destined to reach the final...

Kasia Moś from Poland did a competent performance, and her manager is a bit yum...

Miss Azerjibin was intense again...

...and finally there was poor Blanche, destined to be the bride and not the bridesmaid...

"we've got a great, modern electro dance track...let's put her in a full length wedding dress..."

Later today I'll finally get to my first party, courtesy of my lovely friends in the Icelandic delegation.  More on that tomorrow.

Also, today see the first rehearsal of the big 5, including red-hot favourite Francesco Gabbani from Italy!  Yay!!!


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