Party Time!

Hola, Mes Amores!  Did you miss me yesterday?

On Saturday night I was at the Nordic party, which was much more low key than usual.  I did manage to grab this fab snap of me and Frank with the Latvian singer, Agnes, who seemed to have come as a self-basting chicken...

Oh and the Swedish commentator was there...

Yes indeed - the gorgeous Mans is doing commentary for the Swedes this year.  So in three years he's gone from singer/winner, to presenter last year and now he's commentating.  We still LOVE him!!!

Yesterday we had a shorter day, with only the Big 5 plus Ukraine rehearsing, so after they were done I took the chance to grab an afternoon snooze before the Opening Party at Euroclub last night.

Bloody hell it was hot out there in the afternoon though... it was still 27 degrees at around 9pm!

These two pics are taken in the big square just outside my apartment.  Fabby, eh?

Anyway - after dinner we set off on the mile long hike through a forest on the banks of the River Dnipro to find Euroclub.

When we got there is was amazing.  State of the art conference space over two floors, which is less than a year old.  Stunning inside... (and quite arty too - there were installations!).

Once inside we had a few of the local beers (40 Hrvynia each - about one pound, sixteen pence!).  These are even branded with the logo.
Then it was time to hear from a few of the acts...  We had Robin from Sweden, lovely little Nathan from Austria and Lindita from Albania.  Georgian Tamara was due to sing, but called off.

Much hilarity ensured an hour or two later as they brought on go-go boys to dance to the Eurovision tracks that were being played.  If you have ever wondered how to make a provocative dance out of Shalalie Shalala, then wonder no more...

But the absolute highlight of the night was getting the following photo as we queued for more beers.  The guy in the baseball cap ion the centre is Francesco's Gorilla, whilst the chap to the extreme left grinning in from the side is Francesco's brother, with whom he co-wrote the song.  You can also see him in the Occidentali's Karma video playing the drums.  They were very happy to be recognized and later joined us on the dance floor when the song came on.

This morning we had a free boat cruise along the Dnipro, so more about that tomorrow, after we watch the first full run through of tomorrow night's fist Semi Final.  We're also going back to Euroclub tonight as it's the ever good Israeli party! 


  1. Hoping that's the only turkey this year but this IS Eurovision ....


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