Thunder and lightning, it's getting exciting!

Well folks, the big day is finally here!  Tonight we crown the successor to lovely Måns.  I think it's a two horse race now, but more on that in a bit...

Yesterday we had a lovely afternoon at the ABBA Museum, and we personally thanked them for the music...
 With Charlie, Michael, Martin and Robin.
...and iconic album cover, reinterpreted!

 I found a couple of hand-me-down outfits for myself and Si to wear at tonight's big show...
 ...and then I very much enjoyed a fabulous ride on the t-bana back out to Globen for more rehearsals!

Simon arrived mid evening and we had time for a bit to eat with the boys and a drink before turning in for the night.

Today, Si found something he fancied for breakfast...

And so to tonight's final, who is going to win?

Well, I think it's between Mother Russia and precotious newcomer, Australia...

If I was asked to stick my neck out I really can't see it NOT being Sergey, such is the polish and professionalism of the song.  He's a hugely likeable chap too, which really helps.

This is my article which is pulished in today's Scotsman... 

These are the five songs I think that will figure in the final shake up at the end of the (very exciting) voting sequence... Oh My God!!!!  Is THAT going to be exciting!  I've seen a full run through of how it's going to look (which the United Kingdom won!) and it's going to be real edge of your seat, nail-biting stuff for those last three or four minutes.  SVT are going to milk the final reveal big time!

Anyway, I digress - Top 5 countries tonight - in my opinion...



and the winner will be...

I hope I'm right.  It's gonna be close between him and Dami from Australia.

Finally, if Russia DOES win, what will Michal from Poland say about it?


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