I'm ready for my public!

Morning folks!  I'm up bright and breezy today cos at 9.40am (UK time) I'm going to be on the radio, chatting live to the breakfast show presenters on Kingdom FM - Fife's main commercial radio station. 
Now, this is usually Elaine Dove's stint, but being as she's well immersed in training for the Edinburgh Marathon in a couple of weeks, she's not in Copenhagen - so they guys wanted someone with the same amount of wit, charm and decorum to discuss drunken nights out at the Georgian party etc, which singers are a bit of a shag and what the general gossip is over here, by way of adding a bit of light to the proceedings.

...and they got me!

Ah well,  let's see how this goes.   Do listen in if you can!

I'll be back with thoughts about Sanna's fabulous qualification (and the other stories from last night's first Semi Final) later.


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