Highlights of the day so far...

This morning we were treated to the Greeks, Israeli, Armenian and Hungarian first run throughs.  For my money, Hungary was the best of those, with it's quirky and cool laid back performance.  This could certainly be a dark horse.

This afternoon has so far belonged to the completely FAB-U-LOUS Margaret Berger from Norway!  This is my favourite song this year, so I'm completely biased, but her slight blingy revamp of THAT dress is superb and her delivery of the song was perfect.  Certainly the performance of the rehearsals so far for me, and I see it as a real contender...

However, we're now sitting and waiting with bated breath for Georgia, and the first run through of Nodi and Sophie.  Prior to Malmo this was the song I saw as the most likely winner, so let's see what the fab duo deliver... this could be epic!!!

In the meantime, how fab is this schlager toilet in the press centre?  Glamourama!!!


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