Dobor Dan! (Serbian for Good Afternoon!)

Sunday 11 May 2008

It's official... We LOVE Terminal 5 at Heathrow!

They said 5 minutes from arriving and checking in to getting through passprt control - and they were right.  How fabuous.  Great shops in there too - and a bit of retail therapy before the flight is always a good thing.

So we arrived here in sunny Belgrade just before lunchtime yesterday, and I have to say, having only been here for 24 hours - the first reaction is very positive indeed.  Yes, it's got a bit of a former communist look about it, but where we are, in the newer Novi Beograd, has lots of trees and is very green.  It's hot too - was about 20 degrees at 10am this morning.

The hotel is 5 minutes from the Arena (which is HUGE!), and 10 minutes in the other direction from the Press Centre.  Very nice the hotel is too.  Ultra modern and rather chic.
The SavaCentre (yes, I know, Sainsbury's etc...) is a very 70's looking cavern of a place, which is hosting the Press Centre.  Lots of garish orange and green everywhere - although they've been covering all of that up with the offical logo (a tin of red paint and a tin of blue paint being flung together to make a right bloomin mess!).

There are about 50 highly enthusiastic young volunteers behind the desk in the main press area.  All very smiley and eager to help.  They were teaching us Serbian yesterday, which was a hoot.

Last night 10 of us (3 Irish, 4 Brits, 2 Serbs and an odd Belgian) went out for a meal at a local restaurant.  Apparently it is the oldest restaurant in the city, and judging by the waiters, I'm inclined to belive that.  Not the fastest service, and the food was simple, but the local beer was flowing freely and the banter was great.

Higlight of the evening, however, came when we were browsing the menu (they gave us the one that had been translated into enlgish).  You'll be unsurprised that no-one decided to order the item which caused the greatest howls of laughter... Young Bull's Sex Gland

Anyway, rehearsals have started today. All the rubbish ones are past and the quaint little Belgian ditty has just come on stage, so time to go and cast a critical eye...

Euroclub opens tonight.  Hopefully heads will be clear tomorrow!



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