It's All Greek To me - Part III

17 May 2006

Hoorah!  Objective No 1 of my trip has just been fulfilled...
I just met, talked to, and had a photo taken with the very fabulous and handsome in a "bit of rough" kind of way, Andruis, lead singer with the phenominally fab LT United from Lithuania!!!   Joy of joys.   They are coming over SO well, it looks as if they might even qualify over the more widely fancied Silvia Night from Iceland (who consistently fails to deliver the goods).  Paul, I've moved them back up to 3rd, above Silvia!
In the press centre now having taken most of today off for "rest and recuperation" after the excesses of last night's Greek and Russian parties.   The Russian one was fab.... they were pouring our trebles for each voucher we handed the bar staff!  I lost count after my 4th... Oh deary me, talk about stocious!   Apologies to poor Simon, who had to suffer me phoning him in the middle of the party to sing along with the Ukranian girl down the phone.  I'm not sure I got all her lyrics correct, "show me your love, I am your muscle mary!".  Ho hum. 
During they day, yesterday, we went all the way back into town (25 mins each way on the metro) to go to the special press conference for first-timers Armenia (that CD is harder to find here then hen's teeth).  Thankfully the trip was worth it as each of the 10 of us who had bothered to go along was presented with our very own copies of his entry!
As I said, today was for R&R. We went shopping in the morning (another watch!  number 753 in my collection-ish) and met up with our friend Thomas from Belfast.  Then spent the afternoon sitting in a street cafe drinking and eating the most fab Caesar salad ever created this side of Rome.  It's in the 30's now.  Good grief, it's hot!
Tonight is the first full run through of tomorrow night's Semi Final, so I'll be back at some point tomorrow with my predictions for those all important 10 qualifiers.
Final bit of exciting news is that I did my "piece" for Saturday's Scotsman.  It's going into the weekend magazine alongside a picture of the worderful Lordi from Finland (sorry, I gave the wrong email link the other day, it should be   I expect you all to go out and buy copies!
Righto, time this journalist was taking his seat in the auditorium for the dress rehearsal.
Ciao for now!


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