Chicken Kiev - Part 3

17 May 2005

Well, after the excesses of Sunday night's Belarussian
Party (and please remember we're all off to Minsk next
year, If Miss Anjelika's PR machine have anything to
do with it!) I spent much of Monday in a state of part
coma/part recovery.

I shall never drink again...

Javine's been on stage twice now shaking her "thang".
Nobody took much notice as we were all far to excited
about the imminent arrival of this year's REAL Diva,
Chiara from Malta.  Eat your heart out Miss Belarus!

Malta is starting to edge ahead of the field for me
now as the winner!  I've yet to see my faves though,
the Abba Girl Clones from Bosnia!  They're coming on
stage for their second rehearsal in an hour or two and
I'll be there at the front bopping about like a thing
posessed.  It's the kitchest song in the contest this
year - and I LOVE it!

Last night we were all whisked off by bus to one of
the State Palaces for a official Opening ceremony of
the Contest with Mr Yuschenko et all.  A full Symphony
orchestra were playing in the ground when we arrived,
and we were treated to a wonderul buffet and as much
drink as we could handle.

I said to Robin on the way in, "now I'm not having
anything to drink at all tongiht, as I was suffering
all day from last night".  3 minutes later and I'm
standing with a glass of ChampKraine (a local sort of
Ribena flavoured Champagne)!  And lovely it was -
however, I only had the obligatory two glasses and
then went on to Fanta (see, I CAN be sensible at

Met loads of the artists and had photos with many of
my faves; Glennis from Holland, Selma from Iceland,
Boris from Croatia, Vanilla Ninja from Estonia
(representing Switzerland. In English) of
all... Sebastian, the trombone player from Austria.
He was VERY nice and yodelled for me! (Behave!)

Sitting in the Press Centre just now, which is about
10 mins walk from the main hall, and resembles a giant
bouncy castle! It's bloody boiling in here today -
about 22 degrees outside and not a cloud to be seen.

Tonight we have the UK/France/Spain party, which
should be a hoot and will have the usual copious
amounts of local vodka, beer and wine.

It's a hard job - but someone's got to do it!




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